
Today I asked my body what she needed,

Which is a big deal

Considering my journey of

Not Really Asking That Much.

I thought she might need more water.

Or protein.

Or greens.

Or yoga.

Or supplements.

Or movement.

But as I stood in the shower

Reflecting on her stretch marks,

Her roundness where I would like flatness,

Her softness where I would like firmness,

All those conditioned wishes

That form a bundle of


She whispered very gently:

Could you just love me like this?

from Vanessa Boon’s fb message; ty

✍️Wise and beautiful words by Hollie Holden

🧶 Incredible crochet art by Yulia Ustinova

~ by Barbara S on April 27, 2024.

5 Responses to “Learning”

  1. Beautiful!


  2. Wow! Powerful message and beautiful crochet art! Thanks for sharing, Barbara.

  3. Lovely artwork and insights. 💜

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